Available in FRAMR.Cockpit license
Click on the drop-down arrow at “Content”. Here you will see the different possible modules.

Click on the down arrow to display the possible modules.
Scroll down to “Countdown” and select the module by clicking on it and then click on the “Add” button.

Select “Countdown” from the drop-down list and then click the “+” to the right of it.
Once the module is loaded into your FRAMR. Playlist, you will see the “Countdown” area directly below it. You can also access these settings later by clicking on the countdown module.
In the calendar, set the date and time until when you want your countdown to run.

Choose an end date and time in the calendar.
Next, choose in which of eight possible formats you would like to display your countdown.

Open the selector by clicking the down arrow and choose the desired time format.
Then click on “Save” in the upper right corner to apply your changes.

Finally, click on “Save”.